Philips Dynalite launches new remote maintenance tool, Dynalite Cloud


13 January 2025

13 January 2025

Philips Dynalite has proudly launched its new cloud proposition that will transform the way its customers deliver maintenance contracts.

The Dynalite Cloud Platform enables Dynalite’s partners (Certified Systems Integrators) to securely store System Builder project files in the cloud to remotely maintain Dynalite control systems. 

Software Product Manager, Phil Main, shares how this will benefit Dynalite’s partners.

“Dynalite Cloud creates the potential for new revenue streams and empowers our partners to provide responsive and cost-effective maintenance services to their clients without requiring site visits,” he said.

“From scheduled maintenance to emergency support, projects can be accessed quickly and easily from anywhere in the world.”

The change is expected to empower Dynalite service providers to be more responsive and efficient when providing customers with maintenance and tuning. The cloud platform may also reduce delays to scheduled work when an unexpected service request arises.

“Previously, a high-priority maintenance call might have pulled a technician off their scheduled job, involved hours of travel, and consequently delayed many other scheduled site visits for days to follow,” Phil said.

“Now when a project requires urgent attention, a technician can open their laptop from their current location, gain an immediate understanding of the problem at hand, and work towards a solution.”

How it works

The platform consists of three elements:

  • Dynalite Cloud Portal – browser access for the service provider to access their Dynalite Cloud account.
  • Dynalite Cloud Projects – a secure online repository for organizing and sharing lighting control project files.
  • Dynalite Cloud Connect – remote site connectivity for diagnostics and maintenance with System Builder.

A single login to the cloud portal allows a service provider’s Admin to manage their organisation’s account, users and projects. There is no limit on the number of projects a technician can access, enabling them to manage multiple sites simultaneously on behalf of their clients.

Phil shares how he intends to grow the Dynalite Cloud Platform:

“We will add remote System Manager access, extended licensing, trusted certificate storage and transfer, and more in future releases of the Cloud Platform,” he said

“Our continued investment in this platform reflects our commitment to improving the usability of the Dynalite system and supporting the growth of our partners.”  

For more information of Dynalite Cloud, visit Dynalite Docs.

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